Saturday 18 November 2017

DPM - Brick Garage

One end of the structure got a new door as it was missing. It actually is a multi-level door cut up to fit. This end is a motorcycle repair shop.
I picked up Schutz's Garage (kit 201) a Design Preservation Models already built back last spring. I thought I could fit it into one of my scenes but as it turned out it became another models I sold off...captions tell the story...George Dutka

This is how it looked when I got it home. I have already added the new stacks and chimneys, sanded the roof smooth as it was kind of rough and clipping some of the molding tabs off.

I coloured the walls using PanPastels, repainted the roof black using acrylic paint and added some powders. I used a pencil to add the tar-paper sheet lines, then some gloss-coat to the seams. Some signs and junk are applied to the model.
The other end is a rad repair can display it any way you want.

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